is intended as a site where Christian ministry is made available for the teaching and encouragement of all believers on the Lord Jesus Christ. Currently available are edited notes of conversational bible readings, addresses and gospel preachings in various locations in the UK and Germany.

It is the intention to publish 4 issues of Notes of Meetings each year, God willing, and to update the web-site accordingly. The readings, addresses (lectures) and gospel preachings published here have been selected by the Editors as a sample of what our Lord Jesus is giving by way of ministry to various companies of Christians at the present time. They are published as the responsibility of the Editors alone.

For further reading, please refer to the page “Links to Other Sites”, where you can access further, in-depth teaching along the lines found here.

The contents of this site are offered for your consideration. Each set of meetings included are the result of much prayer and intercession before the Lord that His people may be fed and encouraged. It is our desire that you should find them as profitable as those present have. Please note that the J N Darby version of the Bible has been used throughout, and quotations are from this unless otherwise stated. Any Hymns quoted are usually from the “Little Flock” Hymnbook, 1973 Revision.

“He (Christ) has given some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some shepherds and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, with a view to the work of the ministry, with a view to the edifying of the body of Christ…..” (Ephesians 4:11)