Ministry Eric McPhail

2 Items

Appreciating our Blessings


In reading these Scriptures, I had the thought in mind to ask myself, and, I trust, my brethren, ‘How appreciative are we of the blessings that have come to us?’ We need hardly say that we live in a day which is marked by unthankfulness, indeed it is one of the features that is mentioned in Romans (ch 1:21). Man away from God is unthankful. But that should not mark the believer in our Lord Jesus Christ. He has got much to give thanks for.

The blessings that have come to us in Christ are absolutely wonderful! They have come in the operation of divine love, and surely they would stimulate a responsive appreciation in every one of our hearts for the way God has richly blessed us. Indeed, just before coming out I was looking in one of the magazines, and there is a quotation there from Isaac Watts’s hymn:

Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all!
(Hymn 272).

Understanding the Times


UNDERSTANDING  THE  TIMES 1 Chron 12:32 Hag 2:4-7 1 John 4:1-6 Phil 2:14-16 Mark 14:3-9 I believe, dear brethren, that one thing that is needed by every lover of the Lord Jesus is to have an understanding of the times. That is, for us, the day we are in, the present time. We know the […]